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Mar 10 2025

The Importance of Testing Mobile Applications on Real Devices

There are many ways you can test your new mobile application but the testing will never be considered complete unless it is done on real devices. The use of mobile devices continues to rise each day which signals the importance of testing your app today than ever before. You can contact a third party such as mobile application development Dubai but if you have the requisite skills and technology then you can do it on your own. This is important because many users around the world expect seamless applications that are robust, fast with no bugs.

As more competitors continue to launch their applications in the market, you can never afford to introduce buggy-prone and slow apps. Mobile application development Dubai together with its quality control teams rely on not only the right tools but also their intuition to ensure their products are of the best quality. App performance is also essential but it cannot be improved by only running the app on simulators or emulators. Below are some reasons why you should consider testing your application on a real device.

Consider Different Variations

Mobile application testing can be done on simulators and emulators which are virtual devices that display the results on a computer screen. However, these virtual devices don’t contain hardware components that are found on real devices but still provide useful elements of user interface that depict how the app will behave inside a real device. They can enable the developer to carry out specific functional testing but complete testing can only be done on real mobile devices. This is important because the only way you can be sure about the quality of your mobile app is when you have tested on the hardware as well as the operating system together with carrier variations also known as fragmentation.

The Difference Between Simulators, Emulators and Real Mobile Devices

Using real mobile devices to carry out the testing is important because it factors in variables in real-life scenarios. For instance, it considers factors such as battery level and the potential effect of another application running in the background. However, simulators do not take into account such important variables which means it cannot be used to represent or predict the potential effects of the application in real life.

Another significant difference is that while mobile devices are capable of switching between mobile data and Wi-Fi simulators and emulators depend on the network of the developer's computer. They also rely on the computer's memory, storage, and battery life. Furthermore, different issues such as proximity alert, push notifications, and messages vary from one device to the other. It is therefore imperative that you test your application on as many devices and platforms as possible to get a complete picture regarding your app performance and quality.

Development Stage

Many developers consider running a test on real devices once the development process is over. However, this should not be the case since there are many tools such as Continuous Integration and Test-Driven Development tools that can be used at any point in the development stage.


The best time to run tests on real mobile devices is at the end of every release cycle for both pre-production and development. Consider running the test of both User Acceptance Testing and Beta on real mobile devices because their objective is to test user reactions in real-world scenarios.

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