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Mar 10 2025

Is Dark Mode Essential for Mobile Apps?

Technology is ever-changing. New trends crop up from time to time. Some of them create quite an impact on users and become famous. Mobile apps are one such creation. While the internet users mostly browsed through the websites, apps were limited to games and some default provisions offered by the mobile phone brand.

Things moved on quite fast and more apps started entering the market. Informational apps, educative apps, eCommerce apps, etc. have set the trend for more to follow. While businesses have taken different approaches to adaptation, sooner or later, most of them released a new app into the market.

How and why some businesses succeed while others failed is a topic for another day. But in this post, we are going to focus on one of the current features that are rapidly gaining popularity among the users. We are going to talk about the ‘dark mode/ theme’ that is now a much-desired feature.

Dark mode/ theme is when the background of the app can be changed to a dark color (black, dark blue, etc) so that the text appears in lighter colors. This is a contrast to the usual white background with dark letters theme. Mobile Application Development Companies In Dubai say that more and businesses are asking to include the dark theme feature as a part of the app.

There is no denying the advantages of this theme, especially when done the right way. The dark background lowers the screen brightness and reduces the strain on the eyes. For people who stare at the screens all day, this feature can give them some relief.

Reasons to Use Dark Theme in Mobile Apps

Though it is not essential at this stage, it might be one day in the future. The following are some of the reasons why the dark theme is essential (if not mandatory) for mobile apps.

- Improved User Experience

Dark mode/ theme enhances UI due to the softer combination of colors. Happy users would directly translate to an increase in engagement, sales, and return on investment.

- The Health of the User

The health and wellbeing of customers are important for the business. Dark theme reduces the strain on their eyes and allows them to use the app for a longer duration. Users will feel less stressed and can avoid headaches.

- Battery Life of the Smartphone

The dark theme is good for the smartphone as well. It doesn’t drain the battery as the normal modes do. In current times when we are so dependent on mobile phones, this comes as a good choice to increase battery life.

- Sailing with the Trend

Trends cannot be ignored when competing in the marketplace. Customers like it when the business they work with follows the latest trends and updates the mobile app regularly. It makes them feel important and will also result in word of the mouth publicity by the customers.

But, if the dark mode is not designed properly, it could cause the opposite effect. Users might end up with dry eyes or headaches. It could harm the business. Mobile Application Development Companies In Dubai emphasize that simply inverting the colors to change the normal theme to dark will be disastrous. The contrast in the colors would be too harsh for human eyes to read for a long time.

This is where experienced developers are important. Always go to the best mobile app developer to create the app and upgrade it. Most of them provide long-term services in the building, maintaining, monitoring, and troubleshooting the app. It is recommended to opt for such services packages.

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