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Dec 14 2017

Transforming an Idea Into a Mobile Application

Everyone has, at some point in their lives had an idea for what seemed like a brilliant mobile app. Very few, however, have acted upon this illumination and gone on to build one from scratch. After all, following through with an idea takes time, money, and dedication. It also requires you to build a business to support your application. Building an app and building a business are so deeply interlaced that ignoring the commercial side of things would undoubtedly lead to catastrophic failure. But what are the steps you have to take to arrive at a finished app product and how do you make it succeed? That’s what we’ll try to answer.

The Idea

At our app design and development agency in Dubai, Powered, we tend to act not only as developers and designers but also as consultants when it comes to the products we make. After all, we succeed based on our previous work, so our interests align perfectly with those of our customers. Their success is our success, and building a product that is futile does not match our vision. This is why the idea must have two key components:

A Need

There has to be a need in the market. This is often overlooked simply because the idea for an app so often comes from a need for something more. Maybe you were looking for something and couldn’t find it or you needed a tool to fix an issue and it, seemingly, did not exist. This is the foundation of a business – the need for its existence. If your idea stems from a truly existent gap in the world, we can move onto the second component.

A Solution

Does your idea truly bridge the gap caused by the need you identified and does the app you aim to develop fix a problem in the world? If so, we have the base on which to layer the rest of the plan.

We consult with our clients and critically evaluate their idea. We have told clients to bench their ideas, or have outright refused projects in the past due to a weak idea. We have also had clients come to us saying how other app development agencies in Dubai had not evaluated the viability of their idea and it led to large losses before they switched to our services. It’s important to not forget the first steps.

Building an MVP

An MVP is your Minimum Viable Product – a light and minimal version of your application. Why build this rather than jump to the final product? Because app development is an iterative process. Turning your idea into a finished application is not a single-step process. It is a journey that takes iteration and testing. You might discover even more needs that your app could potentially address, or you could see new ways users interact with your product and decide to deviate from your original plan. All these things are natural and are possible thanks to iterative development.

We do not always suggest our clients take this route – in particular with internal enterprise apps or simpler applications. But when your project has a lot of back-end work and functionalities, we absolutely recommend adding features progressively.

The Features

What features your application will provide is directly related to the gap you aim to bridge. We help our clients streamline and determine their feature set in order to deliver a product that does not have redundancy and does not miss the mark when it comes to its initial vision and purpose. Keep in mind that the more features you include, the more your app will cost, so it is sometimes better to start small and build upon that.

The Wireframe and Designs

Once you know what features you want, it is time to decide how your app will be laid out, interlinked, and envision the user’s journey. This is where you test how someone would interact with your application and work on UX in order to make your app user-friendly and efficient.

Once that is settled, it’s time for designs – putting the graphs and schema in a package that is straightforward, visually pleasing, and functional. The designs also go through some iterations, and you might end up tweaking the wireframe when you can finally visualize the app. This is normal, the more you iterate the better your app will be in the end.

The Development

Once you’ve determined what your app does and how it looks, it’s time to get to the technical side and code it. You can bootstrap and code it yourself, but unless your concept is very simple this will be extremely difficult unless you’re already an expert and in which case, what are you doing here?

 You could choose to hire a team, but this can be very costly in the short term and adds a multitude of indirect costs, such as management, inefficiency, and error. We rarely recommend assembling a team unless you plan on building many apps and can make the team an integral part of your company.

Finally, you can outsource development to an agency. The advantage here is that you get a guaranteed quality product on time and within scope. You also just pay for the single project and bypass the overhead associated with in-house development. Furthermore, you get a wealth of expertise and experience that is truly priceless when you are already investing so much no matter which way you look at it. Our app design agency in Dubai always takes projects where our interests align with our clients’ in order to deliver the best product.

The Market

You’ve got an app and it is live on the AppStore and GooglePlay; now what? Now we start testing and monitoring the application. What do people like, and more importantly, what don’t they like? What are they asking for? What is missing? This is the most valuable period of data collection and will make or break a business. If you respond well and roll out features and fixes seamlessly, you will make waves in the market. If you ignore the outside world, your impact will be little more than a ripple.

We help our customers always evolve and always improve. Once they have the data and their idea and vision changes and strengthens into something more concrete and definite, we help them create that product and respond in an agile manner.

The Bottom Line

Building an app from an idea is neither easy nor straightforward and the business elements that come into play are beyond what the average person thinks. This is why following these general steps and guidelines would give you far better chances at success. Make sure to never close yourself off and stay alert to the external cues, and above all, work with the best people, and you will be well on your way to making something very worthwhile – and if you think the whole thing might be too scary – give Powered a call. We are a leading mobile app design and development agency in Dubai and we’ll take a look at your requirements and come up with a quote.

Thus, we have compiled a list of 10 ingredients that lead to a recipe for a successful event in Dubai for any company or individual partaking in an event, or even running one. Be it by yourself or through an event organizer in UAE, these steps should work as a checklist to make event planning a piece of cake!

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