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Mar 06 2019

5 Ways to Succeed in Creating the Best Android App for Your Business

Android is the most used operating system at present with more than half of the mobile users opting for the operating system. This is partly because of its compatibility with different mobile devices. With more than 800 million Android users in the world today, businesses can harness this potential to reach a wide global audience. This does not come easy though, because the competition is steep and the consumers have high expectations. Mobile application development companies in Dubai are very busy creating apps for businesses looking to gain more authority in the market.

So how does a business take advantage of this huge potential despite the challenges? Here are some tips to succeed in Android App development.

Add a Viral Feature to it

It can be seen from a number of successful apps that encouraging people to share will make it get a wider reach as it goes viral. The success of apps like Facebook and Instagram are partly due to the viral factor incorporated into the apps. Today it is a bit easier to do this since you can have social influencers try out your app and they can share it with their followers who will hopefully do the same and you will see a domino effect.

Market it on Social Media

There can be no argument with the numbers, social media today is one of the most powerful marketing tools. Its ability to engage billions of people is a treasure trove of opportunity. There are currently more than 3 billion users of social media sites so this is a force you cannot ignore if you would like your app to succeed. If you market your app in a way that more people would want to share the content, you would be on to something big. People tend to share funny and informative content on social media so if you want your app to go viral, look into creating such stuff either in a video or a meme.

Give it Free

You may want to make loads of money from your app, but in the initial stage, it is best to give this app free to the users. Statistics show that apps that are FREE to download have a better response than the ones that people have to pay for. Many app developers decide to give the app free and only when they realize that the users are hooked, do they start to charge a fee. You can also make money from advertising instead or offering an upgraded version. Just remember people hardly share apps that have to be paid for unless they are essential.

Release Upgrades

“New and improved” is a common marketing term that psychologically attracts people to a product. Providing an upgrade will keep your app relevant in the minds of people. Most people like things that are better than the one before so new features will make people download the app even more. If these upgrades are really good, some people will even gladly pay for them. Plan periodic upgrades that can fix different problems which have existed in a previous version.

Monitor Performance

One of the things you need to do to introduce upgrades is to monitor the performance of the app. Listen to what users are saying, track how they use the app and you will be able to make necessary changes in a positive direction.

Final Thought

The app has to be relevant to the user. Make sure it is useful and let them have a great experience using it. Hire the right mobile application development companies in Dubai to design an intuitive interface. There is a lot of potential, and you just need to harness it.

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